Birgit Lukowski
Designing Effective Academic Posters
to the point
Clear at Glance - Successfully Communicate your Research at the Next Virtual or Physical Event
Poster sessions are an integral part of almost every scientific conference. Their purpose is to highlight research results, visualize them and stimulate discussion. To draw your audience in, you need a crystal-clear message, a text format optimized for best legibility, well-chosen graphics and above all, a convincing layout for a printed or digital format.
Basic rules of graphic design help you to arrange your research visually well-ordered and compelling. The workshop also provides time for practice and feedback - participants come away from the course with a designed or redesigned poster.

1 or 2 Day Workshop | 6 / 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
Designing Effective
Academic Posters
to the point
Clear at Glance - Successfully Communicate your Research at the Next Virtual or Physical Event
Poster sessions are an integral part of almost every scientific conference. Their purpose is to highlight research results, visualize them and stimulate discussion. To draw your audience in, you need a crystal-clear message, a text format optimized for best legibility, well-chosen graphics and above all, a convincing layout for a printed or digital format.
Basic rules of graphic design help you to arrange your research visually well-ordered and compelling. The workshop also provides time for practice and feedback - participants come away from the course with a designed or redesigned poster.

1 or 2 Day Workshop | 6 / 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
Next Level - E-Poster Design
From traditional paper posters to digitally presented interactive posters
The 2-day workshop provides the basic knowledge of how to conceptualise and design an appealing traditional paper poster and how to ultimately transform it into an appealing e-poster. E-posters should be designed to fully utilise the possibilities of the digital medium - e.g. audio, video, hyperlinks, enlarged graphics, animations. In the future, e-posters will be designed to be increasingly interactive so that the audience can navigate through research contents autonomously.

2 Day Workshop | 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
Next Level
E-Poster Design
From traditional paper posters to digitally presented interactive posters
The 2-day workshop provides the basic knowledge of how to conceptualise and design an appealing traditional paper poster and how to ultimately transform it into an appealing e-poster. E-posters should be designed to fully utilise the possibilities of the digital medium - e.g. audio, video, hyperlinks, enlarged graphics, animations. In the future, e-posters will be designed to be increasingly interactive so that the audience can navigate through research contents autonomously.

2 Day Workshop | 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
| Feedback |
Graduate Centre - Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) | 2022
»Keep up the great work and offering these workshops!
Thank you for the opportunity for joining such a good course.
I learned a lot from this training.«
Academic Poster All-Inclusive
Concept + Design + Presentation = 100% Knowledge Transfer
Among other challenges researchers are requested to communicate their work and knowledge to a wide range of various audiences by the means of posters and presentations. Moreover, right now researchers should be well prepared for a poster presentation even at a virtual conference.
The workshop conveys and trains the major skills how to conceptualize, visualize and finally present scientific content in a target-oriented, accessible and compelling manner and takes into focus how closely design and presentations skills must be linked to successfully convey academic knowledge.

2 Day Workshop | 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
Academic Poster
Concept + Design + Presentation = 100% Knowledge Transfer
Among other challenges researchers are requested to communicate their work and knowledge to a wide range of various audiences by the means of posters and presentations. Moreover, right now researchers should be well prepared for a poster presentation even at a virtual conference.
The workshop conveys and trains the major skills how to conceptualize, visualize and finally present scientific content in a target-oriented, accessible and compelling manner and takes into focus how closely design and presentations skills must be linked to successfully convey academic knowledge.

2 Day Workshop | 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
Design Basics in Science Communication
Brush up your design skills to successfully communicate your science
This training conveys a basic knowledge about the compelling usage of graphical elements (typography, image, colour) and the application of the key principles of graphic design (proportion, composition, alignment, white space, etc.) to professionally and effectively present academic contents.
Participants will have the opportunity to train their design skills hands-on, as well as to get the best out of their drafts, by analysing and discussing with group and trainer during the practical exercises.
(Please notice: the workshop is not about complex data visualisation).

1,5 / 2 Day Workshop | 6h / 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
Design Basics in Science Communication
Brush up your design skills to successfully communicate your science
This training conveys a basic knowledge about the compelling usage of graphical elements (typography, image, colour) and the application of the key principles of graphic design (proportion, composition, alignment, white space, etc.) to professionally and effectively present academic contents.
Participants will have the opportunity to train their design skills hands-on, as well as to get the best out of their drafts, by analysing and discussing with group and trainer during the practical exercises.
(Please notice: the workshop is not about complex data visualisation).

1,5 / 2 Day Workshop | 6h / 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
| Feedback |
Design Basics in Science Communication - ZEWK TU Berlin, January 2024
»Special thanks to Birgit Lukowski for wonderfully presenting all the important topics, tricks and ideas. I gave it excellent evaluation. The course deserves it.«
Visualize it!
Memorable, illustrative, attention-grabbing
The use of images, infographics and visualisations is an efficient way to enhance the comprehensibility and memorability of academic concepts. The workshop explains and trains basic techniques how to play
with type, shapes, line, colour, texture, space, by applying the most important principles of graphic design.
We focus on different visualisation styles to represent scientific concepts, processes and procedures,
such as infographics, organisational charts, timelines, flowcharts etc., which can serve as visually appealing eye-catchers on posters, slides, papers, publications and social media posts.

1 / 2 Day Workshop | 6h / 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
Visualize it!
Memorable, illustrative, attention-grabbing
The use of images, infographics and visualisations is an efficient way to enhance the comprehensibility and memorability of academic concepts. The workshop explains and trains basic techniques how to play with type, shapes, line, colour, texture, space, by applying the most important principles of graphic design.
We focus on different visualisation styles to represent scientific concepts, processes and procedures,
such as infographics, organisational charts, timelines, flowcharts etc., which can serve as visually appealing eye-catchers on posters, slides, papers, publications and social media posts.

1 / 2 Day Workshop | 6h / 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
Graphical Abstracts
A promotional tool to make your article be read and noticed
The increasing number of electronic publications, the growing transfer of knowledge via social media offer
a multitude of opportunities to effectively disseminate research content and reach a broad audience.
This is when Graphical Abstracts come into play as a compelling promotional tool to highlight your work, attract attention and increase the number of readers and citations.
The workshop provides you a basic knowledge about design and visualisation to conceptualise and create
a clear and convincing visual summary for your main concepts and findings.

1 / 2 Day Workshop | 6h / 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
Graphical Abstracts
A promotional tool to make your article be read and noticed
The increasing number of electronic publications, the growing transfer of knowledge via social media offer
a multitude of opportunities to effectively disseminate research content and reach a broad audience.
This is when Graphical Abstracts come into play as a compelling promotional tool to highlight your work, attract attention and increase the number of readers and citations.
The workshop provides you a basic knowledge about design and visualisation to conceptualise and create
a clear and convincing visual summary for your main concepts and findings.

1 / 2 Day Workshop | 6h / 12h | English / German

> in presence or online
| Feedback |
Honours Programm at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena | 2022
»Getting from the basics to your own poster was very exciting and Ms Lukowski did an excellent job.
The workshop was very professionally prepared and included a lot of details, highly recommended!«

Communication is Key
Based upon my extensive teaching experience in visual communication and in various academic contexts, all workshop concepts are developed offering you practice-oriented knowledge and practical training to conceptualize, design and present research content effectively and in a visually pleasing manner.
My approach is built upon the cornerstone that successful and target-oriented communication always requires the perfect interplay of three components: reasoned conception, excellent design skills and strong presentation competencies.

Communication Designer, Lecturer in Presentation
Techniques and Visual Communication

Graphic Design Studio Berlin
SUEDSTERN. Visual Communication
Cell Phone: +49 (0)170 54 74 039


Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) |
Netzwerk CLIEEN
Cluster of Excellence | Matters of Activity | HU Berlin
Institute for Latin American Studies | FU Berlin
SFB/TRR227 Ultrafast Spin Dynamics | FU Berlin
ZEWK | TU Berlin

BYRD | Bremen Early Career Researcher Development | Universität Bremen
Early Career Researcher Academy | Leibniz Science
Campus for Digital Public Health | University of Bremen

Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation | TUH
Graduate School of Materials Science | ZHM | TUH |
PIER | Education Platform | Hamburg Research Academy

OLTECH | Graduate School Science, Medicine and Technology
3GO | Graduate School for Social Sciences and Humanities | Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

Graduate Academy Dresden | TU Dresden
Graduate Academy | Leipzig University
HYP*MOL | Leipzig University | Summer School 2024 Karlsbad (CZ)
Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig
InProTUC | Technische Universität Chemnitz
INSINA Symposium | Technische Universität Chemnitz

Honours Programm | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Max Planck School of Photonics | Jena

International Graduate School InGrA
Lehrerprofessionalität und Lehrerbildungsforschung
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)

Research School (RUB) | Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universität Paderborn

Graduate Academy | University of Rostock
Friedrich-Löffler-Institut Greifswald

Graduate Center | Kiel University
Europa-Universität Flensburg |
Zentrum für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung
IWS | Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems (LH2) | University of Stuttgart
GRADUS | Zentrum für Lehre und Weiterbildung | zlw | Universität Stuttgart

Graduate Centre | Friedrich-Alexander-University | Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
BBCE | Institute of Biomaterials (WW7)
Graduate School of Social Sciences | Bamberg University
Graduate School | University of Bayreuth

Research Academy (MARA) | Philipps-Universität Marburg

Dipl. Designerin Birgit Lukowski
Leberstraße 2 | 10829 Berlin
+49 (0) 170 54 74 039
mail to:
lukowski(at)suedstern-grafik.deStr.-Nr. 18/428/00687
Gestaltung und Konzept:
© Birgit Lukowski
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